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   World Fit For Children believes that children are much more than just passive members of society waiting for adults to change the world.  We believe that all children everywhere have the potential within themselves to contribute to changing the world in order to make it fit for them as well as adults.  It is also crucial for children to participate in the decisions that affect them.  Children often shine a light along a road to compassionate understanding and peace.

   WFFC strives to motivate children around the world to take action by becoming children’s advocates and leaders in promoting their rights.  Children are encouraged to tell personal stories or educate their pears and communities about children’s rights and child participation.  They are also thought how to raise money for a good cause.  Other children are more likely to believe and be motivated to take action when they see and hear from their pears of their own age that it is possible.

   Because of their vulnerability, children around the world are often subjects to exploitation.  Exploitation may include the illegal trafficking of children for the sex industry or the recruitment of children as labourers and soldiers.

   World Fit For Children stands firm behind its commitment to fight any form of child exploitation.  Children’s rights regarding maltreatment are clearly outlined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.  We do educational workshops and public speaking to raise awareness on children’s rights as they pertain to child exploitation.  We direct these initiatives to the public and to the children themselves.  WFFC also negotiates with leaders and government officials in order to change policies to protect the children of the world.

  In today’s world, child poverty is one of the biggest issues facing children.  More that ¾ of the world’s children live in poverty.  Many of them survive with only one meal a day and others regularly go to bed hungry at night without any meals.  Over 30 000 children, mostly under the age of five, die each day from preventable malnutrition.  The situation is very disturbing.

   Even though World Fit For Children tries to provide food and medicine to critical areas, all this would only relieve the intensity of the crisis temporary.  WFFC believes that in order to minimize child poverty we need to change policies and to persuade governments to abide by them.  We, therefore, strive to fight child poverty by pressuring government leaders of the world to take initiatives and change policies so that we would have a world where no child should go to bed hungry - a world fit for children.

  Today child labour is still a devastating issue in some parts of the world, especially in India and Southeast Asia.  Children are often forced out of school and into the labour force at an early age in order to support their families.  In some countries, little children carry heavy bricks and stones for just a few cents a day.  Others work full shifts in manufacturing factories for about the same wage.

   We at World Fit For Children, vow to fight and eliminate child poverty in anyway we can by offering alternative income generation or income substitution for families.  We believe that children have the right to a precious childhood, a childhood where they should not be like adults, but simply be kids.  They have the right to learn and play, but not work by force.

   WFFC fights child poverty by challenging current government policies and by pressuring government leaders to protect children from labour and to restrict the imports and exports of goods produced by children in factories.  We meet with local leaders, do public speeches, organize letter-writing campaigns, and sign legislative petition forms.

  Everything that World Fit For Children does in regards to children’s rights is in accordance with the UN Convention on the Right of the Child.  We believe that this is the most beautiful piece of legal document to be ever compounded in the world.  We say “beautiful”, because it is more than just a set of legal statements.  It is rather a piece of art, embedded in an emotion of love and passion for every child’s welfare.  It outlines the most basic and fundamental rights of children.

   The Convention was legitimized in 1953, and then ratified by all, but two countries in the world.  Even though countries have officially signed the UN Convention, that does not necessarily mean that they actually uphold to its principals!  There are always children in some small corners of the world left out from their most fundamental rights.

   As a result, WFFC vows to ensure that no child, no matter where, can be deprived from its rights.  WFFC does this by educating children and the public about children’s rights as set in the UN Convention on the Right of the Child.  WFFC also strives to change government policies around the world to abide by the Convention.  Lastly, we ensure that the rights of children are promoted and preserved within the regions where we work such as throughout all WFFC field offices, third world partners, and international projects.

All Rights Reserved.  Copyright 2003- © World Fit For Children.