WFFC seeks motivated and enthusiastic students to start a club in your collage or university. All it takes is one or two committed people.
The main purpose of all of our clubs is to do fundraising for our overseas projects and to advocate for children’s rights. Become a children’s advocate today and learn how to take action! As the President of the club, you will be joining with our entire network of university and collage clubs around the world. This may be one of the most exciting things you’ve ever done and one of the most direct ways to get involved in world action. We will be there to train and help you every step of the way. You will be provided with all the materials that you need to start the club.
Please click here to download our guide on how to start and operate a WFFC club in your school. Clubs can be opened in any developed country at any collage or university where we do not currently have one. For further information or to open a WFFC club please contact us at:
Our policy allows us to open regional or national WFFC offices in developed countries only in order to fundraise for projects in less developed nations. If you are interested to do so or for more information please contact us at:
The main purpose of all of our offices is to do fundraising for our overseas projects and to advocate for children’s rights. All offices report and are monitored by WFFC’s Board of Directors in Toronto. All offices are run by volunteers. We will be there to train and help you every step of the way. You will be provided with all the materials that you need to start the office.
We welcome requests for opening WFFC offices in all cities of developed countries where we do not currently operate.